Android Development
1. Basics Of Android
a. Java Concepts
b. Inner Classes
c. Exception Handling
d. Multithreding
2.Introduction to Android
a. What is Android?
b. Open Handset Alliance
c. Android Features
d. Development Framework for Android
e. Dalvik Virtual Machine
f. Android Studio
g. Android API Levels, Versions
3. Building Blocks of Android
a. Activities
b. Services
c. Broadcast Receiver
d. Contained Provider
4. Android Installation & First Project
a. IDE and Android Installation
b. Developing first Project
c. Application Stucture
d. user-pemission
e. AndroidManifest.xml
f. Resources
5. Emulator
a. Launching emulator
b. Adding New emulator
c. Logcat usage
d. Android Device Monitor(ADM)
6. User Interfaces
a. UI component
b. Layouts
c. Form widgets
d. Text Fields
e. dip / dp and sip /sp
f. Drawable resources
g. Applying theames
7. Intent
a. Intent
b. extras
c. Bundle
d. Activities for Result Set
8. Advanced User Interfaces
a. Customized User Interfaces
b. Customized Button
c. Graph View
d. Drawable Resources
e. AlertDialogs and Toast
f. Time and Date Dialog Box
9. Android Menus
a. Option Menu and Action Bar
b.Context Meun
c. Popup Menu
10. Android Adapters
a. Array Adapters
b. Base Adapters
c. ListView
11. Android Application Components
a. Notifications
b. Pending Intents
c. Intent-Filters
f. Multithreading in Android.
g. Shared Preferences.
h. Alarm
i. Spinner
j. Sending SMS
12. Services and Receivers
a. Service Life cycle
b. Permissions
c. Implementing Services
d. Receiver tag
e. Implementing Receivers
13. SQLite and Content Providers
a. What is SQLite?
b. Creating SQLite Databases
c. DML Operations on Data
d. Cursors and Content Values
14. Advanced Components
a. Location Based Services. Google Maps
b. Sensors
c. Using WIFI and Bluetooth
d. Fragments
f. volly
g. Firebases