Advance python

Advance Python Course
(6 Months)

(Basic 3 months)

Module 1:

An Introduction to Python
•Basic module of computation
• What can Python do?
• Why Python?
• Good to know
• Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
• Python Install

Module 2: 

Beginning Python Basics
• The print statement
• Comments
• Python Data Structures & Data Types
• String Operations in Python
• Simple Input & Output
• Simple Output Formatting
• Operators in python

Module 3: 

Python Program Flow
• Indentation
• The If statement and its’ related statement
• An example with if and it’s related statement
• The while loop
• The for loop
• The range statement
• Break & Continue
• Assert
• Examples for looping

(OPPS) 45-days

Module 4: 

Functions & Modules
• Create your own functions
• Functions Parameters
• Variable Arguments
• Scope of a Function
• Function Documentations
• Lambda Functions & map
• Exercise with functions
• Create a Module
• Standard Modules

Module 5:

 Exceptions Handling
• Errors
• Exception handling with try
• handling Multiple Exceptions
• Writing your own Exception
Module 6: File Handling
• File handling Modes
• Reading Files
• Writing & Appending to Files
• Handling File Exceptions
• The with statement

Module 7: 

Classes In Python
• New Style Classes
• Creating Classes
• Instance Methods
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism
• Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions

Module 8: 

Generators and iterators
• Iterators
• Generators
• The Functions any and all
• With Statement
• Data Compression

(Data Structure) 20 days

Module 9:

 Data Structures
• List Comprehensions
• Nested List Comprehensions
• Dictionary Comprehensions
• Functions
• Default Parameters
• Variable Arguments
• Specialised Sorts

Module 10: 

• namedtuple()
• deque
• ChainMap
• Counter
• OrderedDict
• defaultdict
• UserDict
• UserList
• UserString

(Software Development GUI ) 25-days

Module 11: 

Writing GUIs in Python (Tkinter)
• Introduction
• Components and Events
• An Example GUI
• The root Component
• Adding a Button
• Entry Widgets
• Text Widgets
• Check buttons


Module 12: 

Python SQL Database Access
• Introduction
• Installation
• DB Connection
• Creating DB Table
• COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation
• handling Errors


Module 13: 

Network Programming
• Introduction
• A Daytime Server
• Clients and Servers
• The Client Program
• The Server Program

Module 14: 

Date and Time
• sleep
• Program execution time
• more methods on date/time

Module 15: 

Few more topics in-detailed
• Filter
• Map
• Reduce
• Decorators
• Frozen set
• Collections

Module 16:

 Regular Expression
• Split
• Working with special characters, date, emails
• Quantifiers
• Match and find all
• character sequence and substitute
• Search metho

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